About me

Hi! I am Langxuan He, you can call me Harry.

I’m an GameDesigner and Level Designer. Currently, I’m at Carnegie Mellon University - Entertainment Technology Center to pursue further studies.Becuase of my CS background, I pursue to be both design and technical. I ’m interested in using some algorithms to help me design the game and also some techinical animation techniques.

This website is my portfolio website, which shows some interesting work during my path in Game Deisgn/Level Design and also some of my work in technical art. Please feel free to take a look and welcome to my creative space !

I am a very team player. Rather than wrestling with a great idea myself, I prefer to discuss a combined idea with a team. And I think a single mind is limited, and diverse minds are what makes great games. Other than that, my motto is “Life is a hardcore game”.You only live once, why not try something cool?


  • Carnegie Mellon University -Entertainment Technology Center M.E.T Entertainment Technology.
  • Hong Kong Baptist University United International College B.S Computer Science and Technology.
  • Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College B.S Computer Science and Technology.