Game Design - Puzzle Game: Cubic Factory

Introduction: It is a 3D puzzle game on PC. Core mechanic are boxing pushing and item interaction in the game . Player will play as a mouse sneak into the factory to steal the golden cheese.

Level Design - RPG: Iron Fortress

Introduction: It is a 4-week personal Level Design project inpired by “DarkSouls” and “Elden Ring”. Use Unreal 5 as Game Engine and Level UP toolkit as Level Editor

Level Design - Steath Game: Saved by the Bell

Introduction: It is a 3-week personal Level Design project to redesign the stealth Level “Dishonorned” in Dishonored 1. Use Unreal 5 as Game Engine and Level UP toolkit as Level Editor

Level Design - Coop Puzzle Game : Magic Box

Introduction: It is a magic world displayed on Vonxon VX1. It is a CO-OP puzzle game. Each player will play as a squirrel. They will stay together, help each other and solve puzzles together. I’m the Level Design and Programmer in this project

Team members: Langxuan (Harry) He, Sheryl Long, Liyi Tang, Zixuan (Abigail) Zhu,Yancan Wang

Level Design - Unity VR: Singularity

Introduction: A narrative journey through a wormhole. Complete the last couple of tasks required to complete your spaceship and take off in this short experience about coping with loss.

Team members: Langxuan (Harry) He, James Zhai, Pulei(Play) Wang,Shuozhi Shen ,Derek Williams

I am a programmer and a level designer for this round

Game Design - Horror Game: Deadly Game

Introduction: PC, First person single player, rouglike horror game, it is a 2-month personal project.