Level Design - Coop Puzzle Game : Magic Box

Introduction: It is a magic world displayed on Vonxon VX1. It is a CO-OP puzzle game. Each player will play as a squirrel. They will stay together, help each other and solve puzzles together. I’m the Level Design and Programmer in this project

Team members: Langxuan (Harry) He, Sheryl Long, Liyi Tang, Zixuan (Abigail) Zhu,Yancan Wang

gamelogo Finish Date: Dec 2022

Video Demo

Game Overview

It is a CO-OP puzzle game. Two players need to stay together and find a way to overcome the dificulties and solve puzzles

Keywords: Puzzle,CO-OP

Level Design

Level3 - Dungeon Level

Event Dungeon Level - Layout

Event Dungeon Level - Layout

Event Dungeon Level - gameScene

Event Dungeon Level - gameScene

I mainly responsible for designing this level .In this level , two players are divided into two sub-areas, but they need to cooperate with each other to overcome the dungeon traps.The core idea of this level is “Help each other”. Although two players are divided phsically in the level, they can help each other by looking around his(her) sub area and find a way. Here is the game flow of this level:

  1. Player Red πŸ”΄ /Player Yellow 🟑 press orange buttons open their door infront (Enter Section 1)

  2. Player Yellow 🟑 Touches missile to break the fragile wall

  3. Player Yellow 🟑 help Player Red πŸ”΄ by pressing green button(which will generate missile on Player Yellow 🟑 side) and distroy the nail walls

  4. Player Yellow 🟑 get through the nail wall area and press the green button in front to help Player Red πŸ”΄ break the fragile wall , then Player Red πŸ”΄ Press orange button in front to help Player Yellow 🟑 open the door(Enter Section 2)

  5. Player Red πŸ”΄ and Player Yellow 🟑 get close to the wall and gnerate the shield to go through the nail-shooting area and press the button to lift up the nail-shooting wall

  6. Reach the Exit